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We make the internet a free, safe and private place.

We run free and open-source alteratives to common tools, which are usually paid for with personal data.

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We support individuals and organizations in their efforts to make world a better place.

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We can exist thanks to donations that cover the operational costs of our server infrastructure.

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Free tools that protect privacy.

  • Collaborative office suite that is end-to-end encrypted and open-source.
  • Matrix (protocol) logo

    Encrypted chat for groups and individuals that communicates over the Matrix network.
  • Videoconferencing system without user tracking.
  • Tool for finding a suitable time in a group schedule. Alternative to Doodle.
  • Private search engine with aggregated results from Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and others.
  • Password manager with support for password sharing in groups. Works with Bitwarden apps.
  • Easy encrypted text sharing with the option to "self-destruct" after reading.
  • Software forge for Git repositories with static website hosting. Alternative to GitHub.
  • Link shortener without user tracking.
  • Collaborative Markdown editor.
  • Video sharing and playback, alternative to YouTube, etc. Currently in the testing phase, contact us for access.
  • Do you need a forum, email, storage or web hosting for your organization, group or perhaps a collective?
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